In it for the Long Haul
Internationally recognised: The Heinz Nixdorf Recall Study aims to improve the prediction of cardiovascular diseases.

Good Killer Cells
Cellular immunotherapies instead of chemotherapy? New procedures offer hope in the treatment of cancer.

Please Treat Unequally
Women are not, biologically speaking, simply smaller and lighter men – an insight that is only gradually gaining influence.
One Health
How do antibiotic resistances spread? That’s the...
A Home for Microbes to Share
The young field of microbiome research studies...
Every Head is Different
Migraine is a widespread disease. And a...
The Pulse of Research
How do we stay healthy, and why...

Finally Everything is Coming Together
São Paulo, Singapore, Lancaster, and now Duisburg: A visit with Professor Harry Hoster at the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Center.
Knocking on Doors for Science
How do Germans with an immigrant background...
In brief
A summary of key news.
Literature Enlivens Predictions
An alternative to mathematical models: Just Futures...
Got it?
From Alexa to ChatGPT: New technologies are...

Up not Down
New buildings from old ones? A process for high-quality recycled cement can make it possible.

Raw Material for Research
More exchange: Computer science research aims to establish a new data culture. UDE is taking the lead in building up the infrastructure.

Making Baschar, Nele, and Darja Strong
SchuMaS supports schools in socially disadvantaged areas – and combines practice with science.

A Virus Against Cancer
Spun off: Custom-made viruses unleash the immune system on tumour cells. That’s the plan of Abalos Therapeutics GmbH.
Only Here
Knowledge between Covers

A small selection of new publications.