At the Heart of High-Frequency Technology
Terahertz chips may be tiny, but their benefits are huge. In Duisburg, their research extends from the nano range...
Terahertz chips may be tiny, but their benefits are huge. In Duisburg, their research extends from the nano range...
How do Germans with an immigrant background vote? A team led by Professor Achim Goerres wants to find out.
A summary of key news.
An alternative to mathematical models: Just Futures offers new perspectives on climate change.
From Alexa to ChatGPT: New technologies are taking over our daily lives. How does that change the way we...
Three research vessels show: Artificial intelligence is the future of navigation on canals and rivers.
New buildings from old ones? A process for high-quality recycled cement can make it possible.
More exchange: Computer science research aims to establish a new data culture. UDE is taking the lead in building...
SchuMaS supports schools in socially disadvantaged areas – and combines practice with science.